Most Useful Sublime Text Shortcuts

Most Useful Sublime Text Shortcuts
*. ctrl + k + b for hiding and showing the sidebar.

*. F11 for using sublime in full screen mode

*. ctrl + / for commenting a selected block of code

*. ctrl+k+u for changing selected text to uppercase

*. ctrl+k+l for changing selected text to lowercase

*. shift + F11 for distraction free code editing

*. ctrl + shift + p for package control

*. ctrl + p to search for file in the current project window

*. ctrl + m for finding the matching bracket

*. ctrl + shift + ↑ for swapping a line upwards

*. ctrl + shift + ↓ for swapping a line downwards.

*. ctrl + shift + d for duplicating a line

*. ctrl + j for joining a line

*. ctrl + enter for creating a new line

*. ctrl + f for finding occurrence of string in the current file

*. ctrl + h for finding and replacing string in the current file

*. ctrl + w for closing the current tab